What the critics say
It is Cooke’s dual ability to pick apart beautifully the daytime details of cosy family life while also exploring much loftier themes of God, truth, memory and love that set her aside as a mature, intensely emotional and intelligent writer… Cooke has created a thought-provoking family study, brimming with insight... Although she does not shy away from the murkier or melancholic moments… it is these glimpses of human resilience that give her narration a moving, arresting power
- Sunday Times
This is a complex, clever novel which on the whole succeeds in its high ambitions
- Time Out
Cooke is excellent on unspoken family tensions and her characters’ psychological motivations always ring true with a density that recalls Virginia Woolf. Of the younger generation of Scottish writers being published now, Cooke is one of the best.
- Scottish Review of Books
A wise, ambitious and involving work flowering in psychological insight, it leaves less nuanced epics in its shade
- Kevin MacNeil, author of The Stornoway Way
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