Gost festivala KIKINDA SHORT 04 ovogodišnji dobitnik nagrade „Somerset Mom“
Dobitnik jedne od najcenjenijih literarnih nagrada u Velikoj Britaniji za 2009. godinu je škotski pisac Rodž Glas, saopštio je žiri 18. juna. Glas je priznanje dobio za biografiju Alazdair Grej, dok su i neki do njegovih ranijih romana uvrštavani u najuži izbor za prestižne književne nagrade.
Rodž Glas će prisustvovati konferenciji za štampu povodom četvrtog KIKINDA SHORTA. Konferencija će se održati u sredu, 24. juna u 15 časova u knjižari The English Book, ulica Kralja Petra br. 51, Beograd.
Nagrada „Somerset Mom“ dodeljuje se od 1947. godine, a za nju konkurišu pisci do 35 godina starosti. Lista dobitnika ove nagrade je više nego impresivna, te se na njoj, između ostalih, nalaze: Doris Lesing, Džon le Kare, Ijan MekJuan, Džulijan Barns i Zejdi Smit. Publika u Srbiji će imati ekskluzivnu priliku da Rodža Glasa upozna 25. i 26. juna u Kikindi, a 27. juna u Beogradu, s obzirom da je ovaj autor jedan od učesnika međunarodnog festivala kratke priče KIKINDA SHORT 04.
It was announced on 18th June 2009 that Rodge Glass has won the Somerset Maugham Award, one of the most distinguished literary prizes in the UK. This was for his biography of Alasdair Gray and comes after four previous shortlistings for his novels No Fireworks and Hope for Newborns, plus a recent shortlisting for the Scottish Arts Council Award for Non-Fiction in 2009, also for the Gray biography.
The Somerset Maugham Award has been going since 1947, is open to all writers of fiction, non-fiction and poetry under 35 years old, and boasts a long list of many of the best writers to be published in the UK in the post-Second World War period. Previous winners include Kingsley and Martin Amis, BS Johnson, Ted Hughes, Seamus Heaney and Ian McEwan, and more recently Sarah Waters, AL Kennedy and Carol Anne Duffy. Find the complete list of winners here and the details of the award here.
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