Dr Danijela Kambaskovic-Sawers is Assistant Professor, Shakespeare and Renaissance Studies at University of Western Australia (UWA) in Perth, Australia. She teaches courses on Shakespeare’s plays, Shakespeare on film and history of ideas, and works a member of UWA’s new Medieval and Early Modern Studies Centre. Dr Kambaskovic-Sawers has published numerous academic articles on genre history and the nexus of myth, religion and poetry, as well as award-winning poetry of her own. Her book, Character Ambiguity and the Novelistic Impulse in the Renaissance Sonnet Sequence, is being prepared for print. She is married to Mr Mark Sawers, Australia’s High Commissioner to Brunei, with whom she has a four-year-old daughter, Una Sawers.
Danijela Kambaskovic-Sawers, rođena u Beogradu 1971. godine, gde je odrasla, naučila engleski, naučila sebe i završila sve škole osim poslednje.
Živela u zemlji i pet raznih inostranstava.
Piše sve što mrda. Piše i ono što ne mrda.
Preselila se na kraj sveta zbog ljubavi.
Nakon deset godina, još je na kraju sveta, iako ga još uvek doživljava kao kraj sveta.
Objavila je niz naučnih članaka u raznoraznim časopisima za svetske akademske zagubljenike u prostoru i vremenu.
Objavila jednu zbirku poezije i napisala drugu koja čeka. Osmislila je i treću, ali nikako da je napiše.
Piše priče, ali pošto su one svetle, za razliku od poezije koja je tamna, duže se peru u glavi (pretpranje) i na papiru (pranje).
Doktorirala na sonetnim vencima renesanse i teoriji zanra na Macquarie univerzitetu u Sidneju. Radi kao docent za Sekspira i renesansne studije na Univerzitetu u Zapadnoj Australiji (University of Western Australia) u Pertu i kao on-line predavač Sekspira i renesansne engleske književnosti na Macquarie univerzitetu.
Peva kad god je puste.
Redovno čisti kuću i hrani ukućane.
Regionalni urednik Balkanskog književnog glasnika za Australiju i Pacifik.
writer, literary editor
I was born in a little village in southern Hungary, Szegvár. (http://www.megapress.hu/szegvar). I spent there the first fourteen years of my life, isolated, but happily. I graduated from Csongrád, János Batsányi Grammar School.. (http://www.bjg.hu). I got my first diplom at Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Teacher Training College, and my second one at József Attila University in the Faculty of Arts. (http://www.arts.u-szeged.hu/modern I live in Békéscsaba (http://www.bekescsaba.hu) with my wife, and work for a literary periodical as an editor. "Bárka" (http://www.bmk.iif.hu/barka), or "ark" in English, is published every second month. I have four books: three books in verse, and a book in prose. This collection of short stories caused a big scandal in Hungary, because of the fact that fiction and reality are rather intertwined in it. Mamma Mouthful has been published three times and awarded by several major prizes. I have been working on a novel for four years. It will be published by the best publishing house of Hungary, "Magvető", in June.
Vízjelek a honvágyról [Water-lines of Homesickness](poems)
Tevan publishing house, Békéscsaba, 1996, 76 pages,
Angyalkacsinálás [Fashioning Little Angels] (poems)
JAK-series, www.jozsefattilakor.hu Budapest, 1999; 70 pages
József Attila Kör publishing house
Caspar Hauser (poems), an exclusive publication of Békés County Library, Békéscsaba, 2001
Published in 200 copies, numbered, dedicated
Mamma Mouthful (Pletykaanyu)
Jelenkor publising house, www.jelenkor.com, Pécs-Budapest,
2001, 2th ? 3th edition: 2002., 206 pages
Gérecz Attila-prize (1996, the best first book in verse),
Soros-prize (1998),
Móricz Zsigmond sholarschip (1999),
Nemzeti Kulturális Alapprogram creativ work scholarship (2001),
Örkény István scholarship (2002),
Faludy-prize (2002),
Bródy Sándor-prize (2002, the best first book in prose),
Nemzeti Kulturális Alapprogram creativ work scholarship (2003)
Déry Tibor-prize (2004)
Slobodan Bubnjević je pisac, novinar i fizičar.
Rođen 1978. godine u Rijeci u Hrvatskoj, danas stanuje u Pančevu sa suprugom i kćerkom Katarinom.
Mada se obrazovao kao fizičar istraživač na Fizičkom fakultetu na Univerzitetu u Beogradu, već godinama se bavi pisanjem priča, drama i novinskih tekstova.
Zaposlen je kao novinar u nezavisnom nedeljniku “Vreme” u Beogradu, gde radi od 2003. godine, pokrivajući oblasti nauke i ekologije. Osim u matičnoj redakciji, piše i za National Geographic Srbija, B92 i druge beogradske medije.
Objavio je zbirku priča “Perturbacije i druge nevolje” (Narodna knjiga, Beograd, 2005).
Napisao je osam drama koje su sve emitovane na programima Radio Beograda: “Embrio” (2003), “Fisioni fragmenti Pavla Savića” (2004), “Lov na Čarlsa Darvina” (2004), “Sile Ruđera Boškovića” (2005), “Usud” (2005), “Tesla i Pupin” (2006), “1300 kaplara” (2007) i “Atanasije Stojkovič” (2008), a trenutno priprema radio-dramu “Susret u Kopenhagenu”.
Tekst drame “Usud” osvojio je prvu nagradu na anonimnom konkursu za najbolju originalnu radio-dramu Radio Beograda 2005. godine.
Njegova priča “Napredak jednog vozača” dobila je nagradu “Laza K. Lazarević” za najbolju neobjavljenu savremenu srpsku pripovetku, na anonimnom konkursu u 2007. godini.
Njegova pripovetka „Prilagođavanje“ ušla je u izbor od šest priča na međunarodnom konkursu LAPIS HISTRAE 2008. u Hrvatskoj.
Nije puno objavljivao u periodici, ali su se neke njegove priče i drugi književni tekstovi pojavili u nekoliko časopisa i web-potrala. Učestvovao je u radu nekoliko književnih radionica i tribina.
Dovršava roman „Baukova mreža“ na kom radi od 2005. godine.
Slobodan Bubnjević is a writer, journalist and physicist.
He is born in 1978, in Rijeka, Croatia. Today he lives in Pančevo, a suburb of Belgrade, Serbia, with his wife and his daughter Katharine.
Before that, Bubnjević studied experimental and theoretical physics at University of Belgrade. Along with his simultaneous development as a prose writer and a physicist, he started to write popular science articles. Later, he became a professional science writer.
Since 2003, Bubnjević is science reporter of magazine “Vreme”, which is an independent, informative and political weekly based in Belgrade, Serbia. Besides his constantly engagement in “Vreme”, he is author of National Geographic Serbia, B92 and other Belgrade's media.
Slobodan Bubnjević published a collection of stories “The Perturbations and other troubles” (Narodna knjiga, Belgrade, 2005).
He wrote eight drama: “Embryo” (2003), “The Fissile Fragments of the Pavle Savic” (2004), “The Hunting of the Charles Darwin” (2004), “Rudjer Boskovich” (2005), “The Providence” (2005), “Tesla and Pupin” (2006), “The Story About 1300 Corporals” (2007) and “Atanasije Stojkovich” (2008), which were all broadcast on the Radio Belgrade.
His drama “The Providence” won the first prize on the Radio Belgrade anonymous competition for the best original radio drama in 2005.
For the story “The Development of a Driver”, he was awarded “Laza K Lazarević” for best contemporary Serbian short story in 2007.
His story “The Adaptation” was selected for the best six on the international competition “Lapis Histrae” in Croatia in 2008.
Bubnjević published some stories at local magazines and web portals such as „Prozaonline“. He participated to several writing workshops and panels.
Now, he works on his novel in progress, which is named „The Bauk Net”.
Slobodan Bubnjević Dunavska 6/19, 26000 Pančevo, Serbia;
+381-(0)64-197-37-34, +381-(0)13-343-941;
sbubnjevic@vreme.com, sbubnjevic@gmail.com;
Andrea Stift, born 1976 in Southern Styria (Austria), studied Applied Linguistics and German Philology and lives now in Graz and Vienna. She writes prose and poetry, her stories were published in manuskripte, Kolik and Austrian newspapers. She won some prizes and awards like the manuskripte-Literaturförderungspreis and the Staatsstipendium 2008 and was invitated to the Open Mike in
Objavio je knjigu stihova Posljednja topla noć (u suautorstvu s Evelinom Rudan i Denisom Peričićem, Varaždinsko književno društvo, Varaždin, 2002) te samostalne zbirke pjesama Emily Dickinson u mom gradu (Naklada MD, Zagreb, 2003; drugo, dopunjeno, elektroničko izdanje, www.elektronickeknjige.com, 2006) i Rijeke i mjesečine (Hrvatsko društvo pisaca/Durieux, 2007).
Urednik je i suautor interaktivnog CD-ROM-a Teslin dan (s Vladimirom Končarom, Agencija za školstvo RH, 2006; drugo izdanje Agencija za školstvo RH, 2007).
Tekstovi su mu prevođeni na engleski, mađarski, francuski, njemački, slovenski, poljski, slovački, bugarski i makedonski jezik i uvršteni u antologije i preglede. Izvršni je urednik časopisa za književnost Quorum. U pripremi ima zbirku poezije i knjigu priča.
Slađan Lipovec was born in Bjelovar in 1972. His poetry, prose and non-fiction have been published in Croatian and foreign periodicals, as well as on Croatian radio.
He published poetry books Posljednja topla noć (with coauthors E. Rudan and D. Peričić, Varaždinsko književno društvo, Varaždin, 2002), Emily Dickinson u mom gradu (Naklada MD, Zagreb, 2003; second, extended and electronic edition on www.elektronickeknjige.com, 2006) and Rijeke i mjesečine (Hrvatsko društvo pisaca /Durieux, Zagreb, 2007).
He is the editor and coauthor (with Vladimir Končar) of the interactive CD-ROM Teslin dan (Agencija za školstvo RH, 2006; second edition 2007).
His works have been translated into several languages and presented in anthologies of contemporary Croatian literature.
He is the executive editor of the literary magazine Quorum. He’s finishing a poetry volume and a non-fiction book.
MIRJANA ĐURĐEVIĆ (1956, Belgrade), B.Sc. C.E. M.Sc. in applied mathematics. Professor at Civil Engineering College, Belgrade. She has written a series of six crime novel parodies featuring a female detective Harriett as the main character: A MURDER AT THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE („Ubistvo u akademiji nauka“, Žagor, 2002, Agora, 2007.); THE PARKING LOT OF St. SAVATIJE (“Parking svetog Savatija”, samizdat, 2003, Agora, 2008.); OLD MAN RANKO'S MUSINGS ABOUT WOMEN (“Deda Rankove riblje teorije”, Čigoja štampa, 2004 – awarded with Female pen 2004, Hit liber 2004, and Golden bestseller 2004); THE JACUZZI IN THE ELEVATOR (“Jacuzzi u liftu”, Čigoja štampa, 2005); SERBIAN LEGENDS (“Prvi drugi, treći čovek – srpske legende”, Agora, 2006.) and AS SOON AS I SURVIVE („Čim preživim ovaj roman“, Agora 2008.). Also ANATOMY CLASS AT THE CIVIL ENGINEERING FACULTY (“Čas anatomije na Građevinskom fakultetu”, Viktor, 2001, non-fiction) and novels IN TRANSITION, ON HER OWN (“Treći sektor ili sama žena u tranziciji”, Žagor, 2001, Agora, 2006.); THE DRAGONESS' SMILE (“Aždajin osmeh”, Čigoja štampa, 2004.) and historical thriller KEEPERS OF THE SACRAMENT, (“Čuvari svetinje”, Agora, 2007). She lives and writes in Belgrade, Serbia.
Lejla Kalamujić was born in 1980 in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina). She studied Philosophy and Sociology at the Faculty for Philosophy in Sarajevo.
Rumena Buzarovska was born in 1981 in Skopje, Macedonia. Her short stories have appeared in the magazines Margina, Blesok, Lichtungen, Ostrahege and Wespennest, while her first collection Чкртки (Scribbles) was published in 2007. Rumena Buzarovska is also a literary translator, having translated James M. Coetzee’s The Life and Times of Michael K and Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass into Macedonian.
Румена Бужаровска је рођена 1981 године у Скопљу, Македониja. Њене кратке приче обjављене су у часописима Маргина, Блесок, Lichtungen, Ostrahege и Wespennest, а њена прва збирка Чкртки je oбjављена у 2007 години. Румена је такође књижевни преводилац. Превела је на македонском Џејмс Kуцијеву Живот и времена Мајкла К и Луис Каролову Алиса у свету огледала.
Igor Marojevic was born in Vrbas, Serbia in 1968. He graduated from the Department of Serbian Language and Literature, Faculty of Philology in Belgrade. He published the novels: Obmana Boga (1997), Dvadeset cetiri zida (1998), Zega (2004, 2008) and Snit (2007, 2008) as well as the story collections Tragaci (2001) and Mediteranci (2006, 2008). For the novel Zega, he received “Stevan Pesic” award and won the prize given by “Borislav Pekic Fund”.
He spent a few years in Barcelona, where the Theatre Institute produced his play Nomadi in 2004. The same play was staged on BELEF (Belgrade Summer Festival) in 2008. The adaptation of his novel Bar sam svoj covek premièred in 2009, in The Belgrade Drama Theatre.
His prose is included in collections of Serbian literature in German, Italian, Czech, Macedonian, Ukrainian, Hungarian and Slovenian. His works have been translated (some in excerpts) to Spanish, Catalan and English, and are being translated to Portuguese.
Marojevic is a member of both Catalan and Serbian PEN Centre. He is the youngest prose writer mentioned in the newest editon of Jovan Deretic’s The short history of Serbian literature. He currently lives in Zemun, Serbia.
Igor Marojević je rođen 1968. u Vrbasu. Diplomirao je Srpski jezik i književnost na Filološkom fakultetu u Beogradu. Objavio je romane “Obmana Boga” (1997), “Dvadeset četiri zida” (1998), “Žega” (2004, 2008) i “Šnit” (2007, 2008), kao i zbirke priča “Tragači (2001) i “Mediterani” (2006, 2008). Za roman “Žega” dobio nagrade “Stevan Pešić” i Nagradu iz fonda Borislav Pekić.
Nekoliko godina je proveo u Barseloni, gde mu je u produkciji Instituta za teatar 2004. igrana drama “Nomadi”, koja je pod naslovom “Tvrđava Evropa” izvođena na BELEFu 2008. Adaptacija njegovog drugog romana izvođena je u Beogradskom dramskom pozorištu 2003. i 2004. godine. Njegov drugi komad “Bar sam svoj čovek” imao je premijeru 2009. takođe u BDP.
Zastupljen je u antologijama i izborima srpske proze na nemačkom, italijanskom, češkom, makedonskom odnosno ukrajinskom, mađarskom i slovenačkom jeziku. Njegova dela ili odlomci iz njih prevođeni su i na španski, katalonski i engleski, a prevode se i na portugalski jezik.
Član je Katalonskog i Srpskog PEN Centra. Najmlađi je zastupljeni prozni autor u poslednjem izdanju “Kratke istorije srpske književnosti” Jovana Deretića. Živi u Zemunu.
Dragana Dukić was born in 1985 in Kikinda, Serbia where she still lives and works today. She is a senior undergraduate at the Teacher Training College, where she used to be the editor of the student newspaper "Inkluzija". Besides writing, she is also active in non-governmental organizations, mostly on the projects that improve the status of women, the youth and ethnic minorities in the society. While volunteering in Norway, she wrote a collection of short stories that won at "Đura Đukanov" competition for the best unpublished collection of stories, which is at the same time the first book she published. She is also the editor of the local newspaper for children and the youth.
Vesna Lemaić (1981) živi u Ljubljani. Diplomirala je iz komparativne književnosti. Sada piše roman i radi u klubu Autonomne kulturne zone Metelkova. Tu je i pokrenula čitateljsku iniciativu Anonymous Readers. Prošle godine izašla je njezina prva knjiga Popularne zgodbe. Primila je nagradu Radia Slovenija za najbolju kratku priču 2008. Za svoju knjigu bila je i nominirana na festivalu Fabula. Jedna od njezinih priča bila je objavljena na linku:
Vesna Lemaić (1981) lives in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She studied comparative literature. At the moment she is writing a novel, running a reading initiative called Anonymous Readers and working in a club at Autonomous cultural zone Metelkova. Her first book Popularne zgodbe was published in 2008. In the same year she received the Radio Slovenia award for the best short story. In 2009 her book was also nominated for the Fabula award. One of her short stories is published on the following link:
Srđan V. Tešin (1971, Mokrin, Vojvodina)
Objavio osam knjiga: Coated brain / Pohovani mozak (drama, 1996), Sveto Trojstvo Georgija Zecowskog (poezija, 1997), Sjajan naslov za pantomimu (pripovetke, 1997), Antologija najboljih naslova (roman, 2000), Kazimir i drugi naslovi (roman, 2003), Kroz pustinju i prašinu (roman, 2005, 2008), Kuvarove kletve i druge gadosti (roman, 2006) i Alternativni vodič kroz Vavilon (izabrane kolumne, 2008).
- Dobitnik prestižne književne stipendije Borislav Pekić za 2004. godinu za roman Kuvarove kletve i druge gadosti, koji je uvršten u uži izbor za NIN-ovu nagradu za roman godine.
- Autor beogradske izdavačke kuće Stubovi kulture od 2003. godine.
- Zastupljen u domaćim i inostranim antologijama i izborima iz srpske savremene književnosti.
- Prevođen na engleski, nemački, poljski, makedonski, mađarski i slovenački jezik.
- Učesnik Kongresa LitKona (Hrvatska i BiH), Evropskih književnih susreta Andre Malraux (BiH), festivala SWITCH (Balkan Enter: Festival kontrasta; Srbija), programa Dokumentationsstelle für ost- und mitteleuropäische Literatur (Austrija) i književno-naučnog skupa Tomizza i mi (Hrvatska).
- Koordinator LitKon-a (Literarni Konzorcij - Mreža za diseminaciju književnosti jugoistočne Evrope) za Srbiju.
- Urednik književnog časopisa Severni bunker i urednik OnLine magazina Plastelin.
- Član Udruženja književnika Kanade (Canadian Authors Association) od 1997. godine.
- Član Srpskog književnog društva (SKD) od 2004. godine.
- Član Nezavisnog društva novinara Vojvodine (NDNV) i Nezavisnog udruženja novinara Srbije (NUNS) od 2000. godine.
- Član žirija nacionalnih nagrada za književnost Đura Jakšić (2002. i 2003), Meša Selimović (2002) i Đura Đukanov (2005. i 2006).
- Ex-urednik kulture regionalnog mesečnika REZ i ex-kolumnista nedeljnika Kikindske, dnevnika Građanski list i mesečnika YellowCab.
- Stalni književni kritičar dnevnog lista Blic.
Srđan V. Tešin (1971, Mokrin, Vojvodina)
* Published eight books: Coated brain / Pohovani mozak (drama, 1996), Sveto Trojstvo Georgija Zecowskog (poetry, 1997), Sjajan naslov za pantomimu (short stories, 1997), Antologija najboljih naslova (novel, 2000), Kazimir i drugi naslovi (novel, 2003), Kroz pustinju i prašinu (novel, 2005, 2008), Kuvarove kletve i druge gadosti (novel, 2006) and Alternativni vodič kroz Vavilon (selection of columns, 2008).
* Awarded the prestigious literary scholarship Borislav Pekić in 2004, for the novel Kuvarove kletve i druge gadosti, which was shortlisted for the NIN annual award.
* Author of the Belgrade publishing house Stubovi kulture since 2003.
* His works have been published in different anthologies and collections of contemporary Serbian literature in Serbia and abroad.
* His works have been translated into english, german, polish, macedonian, hungarian and slovenian.
* Participated in LitKon congress ( Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina ), European literary encounters Andre Malraux ( Bosnia and Herzegovina ), the SWITCH festival (Balkan Enter: The Festival of contrasts; Serbia ), the Dokumentationsstelle für ost- und mitteleuropäishe Literatur program ( Austria ) and the literary-scientific congress Tomizza and us ( Croatia ).
* Coordinator of LitKon (Literary Consortium – The network for the dissemination of the literature of Southeast Europe) for Serbia .
* Editor of the literary journal Severni bunker and the editor of the OnLine magazine Plastelin.
* Member of the Canadian Authors Association since 1997.
* Member of the Serbian Writers Association since 2004.
* Member of the Independent journalists’ association of Vojvodina and the Independent journalists’ association of Serbia since 2000.
* Member of the juries of the national literary awards Đura Jakšić (2002 and 2003), Meša Selimović (2002) and Đura Đukanov (2005 and 2006).
* Ex-editor of the culture section of the regional monthly journal REZ and ex-columnist of the Kikindske weekly, the newspaper Građanski list and monthly magazine YellowCab.
* Literary critic for the Blic newspaper.
Inga Niemann
Born in Flensburg (Germany) in 1978, studied Comparative Literature and Cultural studies in Münster, Bergamo (Italy) and Berlin. Worked as a Trainee in the German publishing house Rowohlt in Hamburg for one year, works now as a project manager in the House of Literature Literarisches Colloquium Berlin.
ALAN BISSETT is from Falkirk in Scotland and now lives in Glasgow. He is author of the novels Boyracers (Polygon, 2001), The Incredible Adam Spark (Headline, 2005), and the forthcoming Death of a Ladies' Man (Hachette 2009), as well as being editor of Damage Land: New Scottish Gothic Fiction (Polygon 2001). He was short- or longlisted for the prestigious Macallan/Scotland on Sunday Short-Story Competition four years in a row. He is also a former lecturer in Creative Writing at the Universities of Leeds and Glasgow. Spring 09 will see Alan's playwrighting debut with two plays: The Library and The Ching Room, and also his first play as a writer-actor, Times When I Bite, which is also being developed as a film. In 2007 he featured alongside Malcolm Middleton (ex Arab Strap) on the critically-acclaimed music-literature crossover album Ballads of the Book. He is highly in demand as a live reader of his own work – in schools, at book festivals, and, increasingly, as a support act for indie bands. His spoken-word set has featured at such famous music festivals as Connect, Latitude and Holland's Crossing Borders. He is a regular performer at Discombobulate, a monthly literature/comedy night which runs at the CCA in Glasgow.
Born in 1976, I grew up in the hills of central Scotland near a small town called Callander. Our house was very isolated, in the middle of the woods, so I spent most of the long Scottish autumns and winters with my nose in a book. I read the things my parents had in the house - mainly Russian literature (Tolstoy, Chekhov, Pasternak, Solzhenitsyn) and British thrillers (John Le Carre, Graham Greene, John Buchan) - and wrote a lot of poetry. I left home at 16 on a scholarship to a private school in Edinburgh. I spent a year there before going on to university, also in Edinburgh, to study Social Anthropology. After graduating with an MA (Hons) in 1998, I spent a year in London and then wound up working as a barmaid in Glasgow in 2000, hoping to find time to write. This time I tried writing a short story instead of poetry, entered the story in a newspaper competition, and that was the beginning of my writing career: as well as meeting lots of publishers and agents at the awards ceremony, the prize money from the competition meant that I could cut my shifts back and write several more stories while also beginning work on my first novel.
My first novel, The Glass House, was shortlisted for the Saltire First Book of the Year Award in 2004. My second novel, Under The Mountain, was published in August 2008 by Random House in the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa. I am currently working on my third novel, and also continue to write short stories and poetry.'
I now live in Berlin.
RODGE GLASS was born in 1978 and is originally from Cheshire, though he has now been
in Scotland since 1997, and since then most of his family have scattered all over the globe. Rodge is the product of an Orthodox Jewish Primary School, an 11+ All Boys Grammar School, a Co-Ed Private School, a Monk-sponsored Catholic College, Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Strathclyde University and finally Glasgow University where he was tutored by James Kelman, Janice Galloway and Alasdair Gray, and began writing his first novel in 2002. This became No Fireworks, a book about Jewish identity which revolved around confused protagonist Abraham Stone, a disguised worst case scenario of the author’s own life if it all went horribly wrong – three times divorced, alcoholic and lacking in anything to believe in.
The book was published by Faber & Faber in 2005 and was nominated for four awards, but won none of them. Rodge’s second novel, Hope for Newborns, is a tragic comedy about two young people who have seen enough of the world to realise they want nothing to do with it
in its current form. So they set up Hope for Newborns Plc, a fraudulent but successful internet charity. It is due for release, again with Faber & Faber, in June 2008.
From 2002-2005 Rodge spent three years as personal assistant to Alasdair Gray before embarking on an unorthodox, messy book on his life and work.Rodge has known Alasdair for a decade now and has filled many roles in that time – student, secretary, signature forger, driver, researcher, advisor, tea maker and paper boy – here he attempts one more. Alasdair Gray: A Secretary’s Biography is every bit as individual as its subject, and cheekily takes Boswell’s infamous portrait of Samuel Johnson as its template. Gray has co-operated with
the project throughout but it is entirely independent – the subject has agreed not to read a word of the result until public release, and has promised not to sue once he has seen it.
The book will be published by Bloomsbury in September 2008 and is currently being turned
into a PhD, with added academic essays, extra footnotes, and minus the fart jokes.
Andrea Pisac rodila se u Kutini, 1975. Diplomirala je kroatistiku i anglistiku u Zagrebu.
2001. godine njezina zbirka kratkih priča Odsuće pobijedila je na natječaju Studentskog centra za najbolju debitantsku knjigu. 2007. objavila je drugu zbirku priča Dok nas smrt ne rastavi ili te prije toga ne ubijem.
Živi u Londonu, gdje istražuje antropologiju književnosti na University of London, i bavi se temom povjerenja i priče.
Direktorica je projekta Writers in Translation u Engleskom PEN-u, čiji je osnovi cilj promocija strane književnosti prevedene na engleski jezik.
Andrea Pisac was born in Kutina, Croatia in 1975. She has BA degrees in English and Croatian literatures from the Zagreb Faculty of Philosophy.
In 2001 her collection of short stories Absence won the award for the best debut book from the Croatian Student Union. In 2007 she published her second collection of short stories Until Death Do Us Part or I Kill You Before.
She lives in London where she is doing a PhD in anthropology of literature at the University of London, dealing with topics of trust and story-telling.
She is a director of Writers in Translation project at the English PEN, whose main aim is the promotion of world literature translated into English.
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