четвртак, 27. мај 2010.

Kikinda Short 05 - who is coming


June 30th – July 3rd 2010



Andrea Stift, born 1976 in Southern Styria (Austria), studied Applied Linguistics and German Philology and lives now in Graz. She writes prose and poetry, her stories were published in manuskripte, Kolik and several Austrian newspapers. She won some prizes and awards like the manuskripte-Literaturförderungspreis and the Startstipendium 2009 and was invitated to the Open Mike in Berlin and the Festival Internacional de Poesía Granada in Nicaragua. Her first book, called “Reben” (a story about her great-grandmother), was published in 2007, her second book, a novel called “Klimmen. Erzählung einer WG” (about students living together sharing a flat), was published in 2008. Since 2009 Andrea Stift works for the Austrian literary magazine manuskripte. Blog and further information: www.andreastift.at.

Cornelia Travnicek was born on January 22nd 1987 in St. Pölten, Lower Austria, and lives in Traimauer, Vienna and on the rails inbetween. She attended the HTL St. Pölten (school for higher technical education) in the branch of electronics for five years, after which she studied sinology and informatics at the Alma Mater Rudolphina (University of Vienna).
Cornelia Travnicek is represented by the Literarische Agentur Simon and currently publishes at Skarabaeus Verlag. She has received several prizes and awards, among others the Autorenprämie of the Austrian federal ministry for education, arts and culture in 2008 and the Lise Meitner Literaturpreis in 2009.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Muharem Bazdulj (born in Travnik in 1977) is one of the leading writers of the younger generation from ex-Yugoslavia. He has published ten books of fiction, non-fiction and poetry so far. His books are translated in German, Polish and English. Bazdulj's award-winning book of short stories The Second Book was published by Northwestern University Press in their famous Writings from an Unbound Europe series in 2005. His work appeared in World Literature Today, Creative Nonfiction, Habitus and other literary reviews in USA.


Emanuil A. Vidinski (born June, 1978 in Vidin, Bulgaria) is a Bulgarian writer, poet, journalist and musician. He has published his works in several Bulgarian newspapers (Culture, Literary Newspaper, Capital Light), magazines, and literature web portals (liternet.bg, slovo.bg, grosnipelikani.net). He cofounded the humanistic seminar "Angle" (2003-2004).
Emanuil A. Vidinski has published the collection of short stories Cartographies of Escape (2005) which was among the six shortlisted books for the “Elias Canetti Award” (2005) and the novel Places to Breathe (2008). He won the “Rashko Sugarev Award” in 2004 for his short story “4th of October" and the second prize (first was not given) in the short-story award “Balkani” (Balkans) in 2009 for “Egon and the silence”.
During 2005 – 2006 he wrote a music column entitled "Musaic" for the Literary Newspaper. In 2004 he and poets Petar Tchouchov and Ivan Christoff established the ethno-rock poetry band Gologan. Vidinski was the editor for the “World Novels” series at Altera Publ. (2007-2009) which included novels by Philip Roth, Milorad Pavic, Don DeLillo, John Banville, Olga Tokarczuk and others. He has translated poems from Paul Celan and Gottfired Benn into Bulgarian. Since 2008 he has been working for the Bulgarian desk at Deutsche Welle.
His next book is to be published in 2010.
More info here.


Antonija Novaković was born in 1979. in Zagreb. Her first book of poetry, "It's easy to be worse", won the international award "Bridges" at the 47th Struga Poetry Evenings and the poet-debutant award "Goran" at the Goranovo Proljeće festival in Croatia.
The same year, 2008., she recieved the award for short proze writers under 35 years, Prozac.

Alen Kapidžić - during the study on Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Rijeka I was an editor and a writer in a student artzine "Off Skroz", an editor of prose in a student literature magazine "Iže", I was writing for student newspapers "Kacot" and worked at a local radio station "Svid Radio". My short stories were published in several literature magazines in Croatia and Serbia. In cooperation with Enver Krivac, I made a graphic preparation and published our first novel called "Piknik" (Picnic) (1999). With Krivac and Mišo Novković, I wrote second novel called "Smeće" (Junk) (2005) which was noted on two competitions and recommended for publishing but won no prizes. On short story competitions in Karlovac, I won the second prize for year 2002 and first prize in 2006. On the Science fiction & Fantasy short story competitions "Istrakon" (Istrian SF & F convention), my stories were published in collections for years 2003, 2004, 2006 and also in the "SFerakon" (Croatian SF & F convention) collections of short stories for year 2006. In spring 2005, in cooperation with two small publishers from my hometown Rijeka, I founded Edition "Katapult" (Catapult) for young writers. At the beginning of 2006, after we published three books in edition "Katapult", we founded an association named after the edition – "Katapult", aimed at educating young people who want to develop their skills and talents in publishing processes. I was volunteering as the president and the leader of the editorial team for five years and in that period I received annual award from the City of Rijeka for the best volunteer in year 2007. In 2008 I published my third novel, the first one written independently, "Noć uz Rijeku" (A Night with Rijeka) and completed a course in creative writing held by Daša Drndić, one of worldwide known Croatian writers. In autumn 2009, I left the presidential position in "Katapult" and got an employment in Department of Culture in the City of Rijeka.


Lars Frost, born 1973, Copenhagen, Denmark.
1994-96 A student at Odense universitet, Center for litteratur og semiotik.
1996-98 A student at Forfatterskolen (National School of Creative Writing, Copenhagen).
Since 2000 his been teaching creative writing in various places and writing for newspapers and magazines.

2000 "Og så af sted til Wien" (And then off to Vienna), short stories, Lindhart & Ringhof
2001 "Allermest undrer det mig at vi kan glemme" (Most of all I Wonder Why Do We Forget) novel, Lindhart & Ringhof
2004 "Smukke biler efter krigen" (Beatyful Cars After the War) novel, Gyldendal
2006 "Et par dage" (A couple of days) poems, Gyldendal
2008 "Ubevidst rødgang" (Uncouncious Jaywalk) novel, Gyldendal
He has been nominated for a number of danish literary awards - Kritikerprisen, Weekendavisens litteraturpris, P2s romanpris, Montanas litteraturpris - but has never won any of them.


Maike Wetzel, born 1974, attended film school in Munich and in the UK, and currently lives in Berlin. www.maikewetzel.de
She is the author of two award-winning collections of short stories: Lange Tage [Long Days] and Hochzeiten [Weddings], both published by S. Fischer Verlag. The English translation of Long days was published by Comma, UK.
She directed short films and documentaries and also writes screenplays.


Christos Asteriou was born in Athens in 1971. He studied German and Greek Literature in Athens, Würzburg and Zürich. He was one of the co-founders of the European Centre for Literary Translation in Athens, where he worked for 5 years as Head of the German Department. He translated works of literature from German (Christa Wolf, Hans Georg Gadamer and Hugo von Hofmannstal among others).
His first book Her Naked Body and Other Strange Stories was published in 2003 and was nominated for the Newcomer Prize in Greece. His novel Jason Remvis Journey. A true story came out in 2006. Since then he has published short stories for several anthologies and has collaborated with Greek newspapers while working on a new book.

Holland – special guest country

Sanneke van Hassel, born in 1971 in Rotterdam, studied theatre arts and cultural history. Her debut collection of short stories IJsregen (Ice Rain), published in 2005, was nominated for several literary awards. Her stories, regularly published in literary magazines Tirade, Passionate and Bunker Hill, were included in anthologies of contemporary Dutch fiction. In 2006 she wrote about every day life in Sarajevo after a three week stay: Pieces of Sarajevo. In 2007 she published her second collection of short stories titled Witte veder (White Feater). For this book she won the BNG Literary Award. In February 2010 her first novel is expected: Nest. At the moment she is also programming a short story festival in Amsterdam, Hotel Van Hassel, that will take place from 16-18th of April 2010.
Sanneke van Hassel lives and works in Rotterdam.

Ton Rozeman was born in 1968 in The Hague, Netherlands. He studied Dutch and received a degree from the writers’ college ’t Colofon where he now teaches writing short fiction (though he thinks that writing can not be taught in a schoolish way, but one can coach writers and give them feedback). His literary debut was the 2001 short story collection ‚Intiemer dan seks’, which in 2004 was followed by the collection ‚Misschien maar beter ook’. Both collections were short- and long-listed for several awards, and even won one. He is an avid supporter of the short story genre, and founder and chief editor of the website ShortStory.nu. His stories are ‚slices of life’ and are mostly about human relationships. His novella ‚Nu gaat het gebeuren’ has been published in 2007. In his leisure he practices yoga and helps his daughter with her homework.

Maartje Wortel (27 years old) lives and write in Amsterdam. She is gratuated at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, were she studied image and language. In 2007 she won a price for best young writer in the Netherlands. Her short stories were published in several magazines. In september 2009 she got hor first published short story book called: this is your home! At this moment she is working to get a new novel finished.


Orsolya Bencsik was born in 1985, Bácska Topolya. Currently lives in Szeged. Formerly she had studied Philosophy and Hungarian Studies at the Faculty of Arts, University of Szeged. She writes poetry, prosaic verses, and lately short stories. She was one of the authors in the anthologies titled Best Short Stories of the Year 2008 (Az Év legjobb novellái 2008, published by Magyar Napló) and Prosaic Time (Prózaidő, published by Parnasszus, 2009). In 2009 her first volume was published under the title Dissolving Blue in the Water of I (Kékítőt old az én vizében), for which she received the Sinkó-Prize.

Lazslo Kis. I was born in 1976. I live in Gyula – it’s a little town in the south-east countryside of Hungary. I work at the Erkel Ferenc secondary grammar school, I teach history, literature and Hungarian grammatics. I also make editorship at the periodical named Bárka. I’ve published two books of short stories at the publisher Tiszatáj: Szindbád nem haza megy (2003) and Árnyas utcai szép napok (2008).
More info here.


Vladimir Martinovski (1974) is a literary critic, essayist, poet and storyteller. He is an assistant professor of Comparative Poetics at the General and Comparative Literature Department of the Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology, Ss Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje. He received his bachelor and masters degrees at the Faculty of Philology, and his PhD at the University of the New Sorbonne – Paris III.
He is President of the Comparative Literature Society of Macedonia and an executive board member of the International Association for Semiotic Studies. He is also a member of the International Comparative Literature Association and of the European Network for Comparative Literary Studies. He is a co-editor of the Macedonian haiku magazine Мравка (Ant).
He has authored the following books: From Image to Poem – Interference between Contemporary Macedonian Poetry and Fine Arts (a study, 2003), Maritime Moon (haiku and tanka, 2003), Hidden Poems (haiku, 2005), And Water and Earth and Fire and Air (haiku, 2006), Comparative Triptychs (studies and essays, 2007), Les Musées imaginaires, or Imaginary Museums (a study, 2009), A Wave Echo (haibuns, 2009), Reading Images – Aspects of Ekphrastic Poetry (a study, 2009) and Quartets (poetry, 2009).
He co-edited the books: Ut Pictura Poesis – Poetry in Dialogue with Other Arts, a Thematic Selection of Macedonian Poetry (with Nuhi Vinca, 2006) and Metamorphoses and Metatexts (with Vesna Tomovska, 2008).
His poetry – mainly haiku – has been translated into Albanian, English, Greek, Japanese, Polish, Slovene and Serbian.
He was awarded first prize at the Nova Makedonija Short Story Competition in 2009.
Vladimir Martinovski is an active musician as well. He has performed on the albums OPA (2002) of the Pece Atanasovski Folk Instrument Orchestra, Калдрма, or Cobble (2004) of the band Kaldrma and and Kalemar (2008) of the Baklava band.


Radu Pavel Gheo (Pavel Gheorghiţă RADU, b. 1969, Oraviţa), Romanian writer and essayist, is working as an editor and translator for the Polirom Publishing House. He is a member of PEN Club Romania (since 2005) and of the Romanian Writers’ Association (since 2003). He currently lives in Timisoara, Romania, and he is editor and regular contributor for the cultural magazine Orizont (Timisoara).
He has published the following volumes:
- Valea Cerului Senin (The Valley of the Clear Blue Sky), Athena, 1997 – short stories;
- Despre science fiction (On Science Fiction) – Omnibooks Satu-Mare, 2001, first edition; Tritonic, Bucharest, 2007, second edition – literary studies;
- Adio, adio, patria mea, cu i din i, cu a din a (approx. Farewell, My Homeland, Farewell....), Polirom, 1st edition – 2003, 2nd edition – 2004, essays;
- Romanii e destepti (Romanians IS Smart), Polirom 1st edition – 2004, 2nd edition – 2006, essays;
- Fairia – o lume indepartata (Fairia – A Land Faraway), Polirom, 2004 – novel;
- DEX-ul si sexul (DEX and sex), Polirom, 2005 – essays;
- Radu Pavel Gheo, Dan Lungu (coord.) – Tovarase de drum. Experienta feminina in comunism (Fellow Travellers. The Feminine Experience in Communism), Polirom, 2008 (collection of essays);
- Numele mierlei (The Name of the Blackbird), Polirom, 2008 (short stories).
* * *
Radu P. Gheo wrote a play entitled Hold-УП Akbar sau Toti în America (Hold-УП Akbar or Everybody in America). The play has been put on stage by the National Theatre „Mihai Eminescu” from Timisoara, starting July 2007.
Radu Pavel Gheo has published several hundred essays and studies in some of the major cultural magazines from his country and in some foreign magazines: Timpul, Dilema (veche), 22, Orizont, ArtPanorama, România literară, Observator cultural, Lettre Internationale, Amphion, Korunk, Wienzeile (Viena, Austria), Dialogi (Maribor, Slovenia), Sarajevo Notebooks (Sarajevo, Bosnia), Libertatea (Vojvodina, Serbia) Au Sud de l’Est (Paris, France), Lampa (Warsaw, Poland), Cultures d’Europe Centrale (Paris, France) etc.
He has also been included in several literary anthologies from Romania, with short stories or essays. As a translator from English, he has translated around twenty volumes, mostly fiction.
* * *
Prizes and awards (selected): Timisoara Writers’ Association Award for Adio, adio, patria mea cu î din i, cu â din a (approx. Farewell, My Homeland, Farewell...) – 2003; “Pro-Cultura Timisiensis” Award for Cultural Merits, granted by the Timiş County Council – 2005; Timisoara Writers’ Association Award for DEX-ul si sexul (DEX and sex) – 2006; Excellence in Arts Award, granted by Timisoara City Council – August 2007; “Andrei Bantas” Award for English translations (Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea) – May 2008.


Gustáv Murín (born April, 9th 1959 in Bratislava, Slovakia) published 20 books (incl. 5 in Czech + 1 in French translation + 1 in Hindi): Novel, novella, 2xcollections of stories, collection of sci-fi stories, 7xcollect. of essays, extensive essay-study about biology, 2x popular studies (about marriage, about longevity), retrospective studies about organized crime in capitol city and Slovakia, 2xpopular encyclopaedia, 2xcollections of travel stories. His latest book about mafia in Slovakia (Mafia na Slovensku, 2009) become bestseller with first print of 20 000 copies.

Author of more than 1200 articles in 50 major Slovak, Czech and international newspapers and magazines.

Almost 200 texts of Gustáv Murín were translated into 36 other languages (i.e. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, France, Great Britain, Greenland/Inuit, India/Hindi, Italy, Lithuania, Macedonia, Romania, Ukraine, USA etc.).

He had readings and literary presentations in countries like Armenia, Austria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Georgia, Greece, India, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland, USA…

Obtained international writer´s fellowships: USA (1995, 1998, 2001, 2002), Poland (1998), Switzerland (2002), Serbia (2007) and Greece (2009).

Further details in: http://gustavmurin.webgarden.cz/biography

Text samples at: http://muringustav.blogspot.com


Matjaž Brulc (1976) was born in Novo mesto, Slovenia. In 2002 he graduated in art history at University of Ljubljana. Ever since the late nineties he workes as a free lance journalist and art critic for various media, writing mostly about contemporary visual arts and culture. Between 2003 and 2009 worked in one of the clubs in Ljubljana's Metelkova city. Currently he works as a curator in a nonprofit art gallery Simulaker in Novo mesto.
He published two book of short prose: Diznilend (2005) and Kakor da se ne bi zgodilo nič (2009) as well as a book of poems entitled Balade za psa in prhljaj (2006). His prose was published in various slovenian (literature) magazines. Some of his stories were translated in german, english and croat language. In 2009 he won first prize for the short story at the literature contest of the magazine Rast.
Matjaž Brulc is a member of Slovene Writers Association as well as of Slovene Art Critics Association. Lives and works between Novo mesto and Ljubljana.


Santiago Pajares was born in Madrid, Spain, in 1979. He started to write and shoot short films with his friends at the same time he studied, obteining some awards along and across Spain. At the age of 20, he wrote and sold his first film script. At the age of 23, he wrote his first novel, called “El paso de la hélice”, which was published by Tabla Rasa, the first publisher who read it. The novel was well recibed by the readers, and had good figures in terms of sales. Due to it, a Japanese publisher showed interest for the novel, published in Japan finally by Village Books. His second novel, “la mitad de uno”, published by Tabla Rasa too, had the same success than the first one. Before to reach the 30 years old, the third novel appears, named “el lienzo” and published by Umbriel.

Currently Santiago is writing his fourth novel, at the same time he writes short histories and films scripts.
www.elpasodelahelice.com (firsth book), www.lamitaddeuno.com (second book), www.el-lienzo.com (third book)


Aleksandar Gatalica (1964) Graduated in Literature from the University of Belgrade in 1989. Published novels: Reversed faces, The end, Eudipides death, Inivisble, and collections of short stories: Mimicries, Century, Diary of conquered Architects. He received literary awards "Miloš Crnjanski", "Ivo Andrić", "Stevan Sremac". Works of Aleksandar Gatalica are translated to ten European languages. More then 15 years he has been contributing music critics and transltor from ancient Greek language. Presently he hold the position of Editor of Literature supplement in daily newspaper BLIC.

Milosh K. Ilic was born in 1987 in Pancevo, where he still lives. He completed primary and secondary education in his hometown. He has written short stories since he was 15. Four of his stories were published in the compilation Rukopisi (Manuscripts), two stories in Alma short story collections, and a number of stories in smaller local magazines and on the Internet. A book of his stories, Priče o pivu (Beer Stories), was published by the Laguna publishing house. He is a student of Faculty of Dramatic Arts, University of Belgrade.
About Milos’s book more info here.


Lewis Crofts, born in 1977, grew up in southern England near Bristol, where he cut his head open a prodigious seven times before the age of 12. At 18 he went to Oxford University, where he studied French and German literature, specialising in the medieval stuff about dragons, princesses and dwarves. A couple of years in Germany were followed by a couple of years in the Czech Republic, where he finally got round to writing his first novel The Pornographer of Vienna, based on the life of the Austrian artist Egon Schiele. In 2003, he moved to Brussels where he still works as a journalist and writer.

Craig Taylor’s non-fiction has appeared in the most prominent newspapers in three countries – the Guardian (UK), the New York Times (USA), and the Globe And Mail (Canada) – while his fiction has appeared in the Mississippi Review. For the past few years he has been writing One Million Tiny Plays About Britain for the Guardian’s Weekend magazine, and three of these plays were printed on handbags and given to the winners at the Cannes Film Festival. He also publishes his own photocopied magazines, including The Review of Everything I’ve Ever Encountered and Dark Tales of Clapham. His first book, Return To Akenfield, was published by Granta in 2006.


Petina Gappah is a lawyer and a writer. She has law degrees from the Universities of Zimbabwe, Cambridge and Graz in Austria. She lives in Geneva where she works for the Advisory Centre on WTO Law. Her first book, An Elegy for Easterly, a collection of short stories, was awarded the Guardian First Book Prize. Her second book, The Book of Memory, a novel, is forthcoming from Faber and will be published in more than ten languages.

Special guests

Jim Hinks is an editor at Comma Press, the Manchester-based independent publisher specialising in short fiction. In 2005 Comma established a translation imprint, with the remit of bringing the best foreign short fiction to an English-reading audience. Since then Comma has published 3 anthologies of European short stories, an anthology of short stories form the Middle East, and single author collections by Empar Moliner (Catalan), Maike Wetzel (German), Arnon Grunberg (Dutch), Gyrðir Elíasson (Icelandic) and Hassan Blasim (Arabic), with forthcoming collections from Mirja Unge (Swedish), Nedim Gursel (Turkish), Ágúst Borgþór Sverrisson (Icelandic), Emil Hakl (Czech), Pawel Huelle (Polish) and Ala Hlehel (Arabic). More info at www.commapress.co.uk.

Lee Brackstone is Publishing Director for Fiction and Popular Culture titles at Faber and Faber, where he has worked since 1996. His authors include Petina Gappah, Sarah Hall, Rohinton Mistry, Andrew O’Hagan, David Peace, DBC Pierre, and Simon Reynolds.


Sanneke van Hassel on Radio Belgrade
Radio Belgrade 3: night between Thursday May 27th and Friday May 28th - Sanneke van Hassel
A little bit more info here

Book review in Yellow Cab Serbia - here

Kikinda's Pavarotti - Dead Man Cannot Hiccup here

среда, 26. мај 2010.

Predstavljanje Kikinda Shorta u Somboru

Kikinda short – The end of the long tour!

U proteklih mesec dana festival kratke priče Kikinda Short je uz podršku Fondacije Hajnrih Bel obišao nekoliko gradova u Srbiji. Nakon Kikinde, Zrenjanina i Pančeva, festival je predstavljen u Beogradu, Novom Sadu, Kragujevcu dok je za završetak akcije planiran Sombor.

- Cilj ove turneje je da upoznamo zainteresovane sa rezultatima koje smo postigli za pet godina koliko postojimo. – kaže Srđan Papić, koordinator projekta.

- 2005. smo imali devetoro gostiju iz četiri zemlje, a ovog leta će ih biti preko četrdesetoro iz 18 država.- nastavlja Papić. - Siguran sam da smo napravili ogroman uspeh. Ove godine smo imali specijalan nastup na Sajmu knjiga u Lajpcigu, kontaktiraju nas urednici čuvenih izdavačkih kuća kao što su Blumzberi ili Fejber i Fejber i traže da dovedemo njihove autore. Pisci koji su osvojili najprestižnije nagrade kao što su Gardijanova ili Nagrada Samerset Mom, odmah pronalaze termin da dođu u Kikindu iako je uobičajeno da se ljudi sa takvim biografijama bukiraju godinama unapred. Takvih primera ima još mnogo Sa ovom turnejom želimo da odemo korak dalje. Planiramo da kod nas razvijemo ono što se zove kulturni turizam. Namera nam je da na festival doputuje publika iz drugih gradova jer je prilika da se uživo čuju ovako dobri pisci zaista retka. – završava Srđan Papić

Neposredan povod za gostovanje je izlazak četvrte festivalske knjige. Knjiga je štampana obostrano, s jedne strane su premijerno objavljene priče učesnika poslednjeg festivala dok se sa druge nalaze zapisi pripadnika rokenrol miljea u Srbiji. Uz knjigu ide i film snimljen na prošlogodišnjem festivalu.

Više o knjizi govori Srđan Srdić, urednik festivala Kikinda Short:

- Za knjigu sa pričama učesnika četvrtog izdanja festivala KIKINDA SHORT vlada izuzetno interesovanje. Očigledno je da smo uspeli da na najbolji način odgovorimo očekivanjima publike naklonjene kratkoj proznoj formi. Na jednom mestu su sabrani različiti, ponekad čak i suprotstavljeni senzibiliteti, pripovedački stavovi, kao i najraznovrsnije mogućnosti koje kratka priča u sebe uključuje. Dokumentarni film snimljen tokom prošlogodišnjeg festivala izaziva veoma emotivne reakcije onih koji su pratili nastupe autora u Kikindi i Beogradu, ali i vidljivu znatiželju onih koji nisu. Nadamo se da, nakon iskustva čitanja knjige, ovi drugi takav propust neće ponovo napraviti. – ističe Srdić.

Promocija u Somboru je zakazana za 4. jun. Jasmina Vrbavac, Mirjana Đurđević i organizatori će se nastupiti u Kulturnom centru u 19h.

Izdavanje knjige je finansirala Fondacija Hajnrih Bel a kofinansijer je Pokrajinski sekretarijat za kulturu.

четвртак, 20. мај 2010.

Maike Wetzel on Radio Belgrade

Radio Belgrade 3: night between Thursday May 20th and Friday May 21st - Maike Wetzel
A little bit more info here

понедељак, 17. мај 2010.


Natječaj za književne stipendije

Udruga Kurs organizira rezidencijalni boravak u Splitu. Pozivaju se književnici i prevoditelji iz centralne i jugoistočne Europe da se do 15. svibnja prijave za sudjelovanje.

Pokretanjem rezidencijalnog programa Marko Marulić i razvijanjem promotivnih aktivnosti vezanih za boravak stranih autora i prevoditelja u Splitu, Udruga Kurs ima za cilj omogućiti suvremenim europskim autorima i prevoditeljima bolje upoznavanje literarnih, kulturoloških i socijalnih prilika u Hrvatskoj, a posebno u Splitu, dok se istodobno domaća publika upoznaje s odabranom europskom književnom scenom.

Uz partnere u projektu: Grad Split, Ministarstvo Kulture RH i Traduki, Udruga Kurs je osigurala stipendije za autore i prevodioce u 2010. godini i smještaj u srcu starog grada. Pisac u gostima koristi vrijeme stipendije za svoj rad, a pored toga će imati predstavljanja i upoznavanja s kulturnim životom Splita. U periodu boravka organiziraju se čitanja i sudjelovanja na tribinama u gradskoj knjižnici, školama i literarnim radionicama.

Stipendija uključuje organizirani smještaj u opremljenom stanu u centru grada u trajanju od četiri tjedna i pokrivanje troškova boravka u iznosu od 800 Eura.

Termini boravka: travanj, svibanj, rujan, listopad, studeni u 2010. godini
Termin boravka u maju mjesecu je od 27. maja do 27. lipnja 2010 godine.

Prijava mora sadržavati:
- curriculum vitae (na hrvatskom, engleskom ili njemačkom);
- punu adresu (kontakt telefon i e-mail adresa);
- popis objavljenih djela;
- kratak opis planova rada u Splitu;
- pismo preporuke izdavača ili udruženja pisaca.

Aplikacije poslati na:
Udruga Kurs
A. Mihanovića 27
21000 Split
ili na e-mail adresu: info@kurs.hr

Brod knjižara – natječaj za kratku priču

Hrvatski kulturno-turistički projekt Brod knjižara-Brod kulture priopćio je kako ove godine po prvi puta raspisuje natječaj za najbolju kratku priču, koji započinje 26. travnja i traje do 31. svibnja.

Priča koja se šalje na natječaj, mora biti dugačka od četiri do deset kartica teksta, a glavna nagrada je objava priče u Zbirci, tjedan dana plovidbe i promocija na turneji Broda knjižare.

Sve pristigle radove pregledat će žiri koji čine glumac i književnik Enes Kišević te književnik, profesor, scenarist i kolumnist Ludwig Bauer. Oni će, zajedno s organizatorom projekta i managerom u kulturi Igorom Gerenčerom, odabrati pobjednika i još devet najboljih radova.

Svih 10 radova biti će objavljeno u zajedničkoj Zbirci. I dok će prvonagrađeni imati priliku sudjelovati na ovogodišnjoj turneji i plovidbi Brodom knjižarom, gdje će promovirati Zbirku, za ostalih devet autora čije će priče također biti objavljene u Zbirci, organizirat će se jednodnevno gostovanje, promocija i potpisivanje Zbirke na turneji Broda-knjižare.

Svi radovi mogu se slati na adresu: brod.prica@gmail.com. Objava pobjednika kratke priče biti će u lipnju 2010. godine.

Potporu natječaju za najbolju kratku proču u sklopu ovogodišnje turneje Broda kulture 'Brod knjižara', dalo je i Ministarstvo kulture, navodi organizator projekta 'Brod knjižara' Igor Gerenčer.

Brod knjižara svojim bogatim kulturnim sadržajem promiče kulturu čitanja i pisanja, okupljajući na svojim turnejama brojna uvažena imena hrvatske književne scene. Samo u posljednje dvije godine preko palube Broda knjižare gostovalo je oko osamdesetak hrvatskih književnika, pjesnika i publicista.

Natječaj za najbolju zbirku kratkih priča

Webstilus klub i www.unibook.com raspisuju anonimni književni Natječaj za najbolju zbirku kratkih priča

1. Na natječaju mogu sudjelovati samo punoljetni autori i autorice
2. Zbirka treba sadržavati do 50 kratkih priča pisanih hrvatskim jezikom (uključujući dijalekte)

3. Na natječaju mogu konkurirati isključivo priče koje dosad nisu bile objavljene u tiskanom obliku
4. Zbirka priča mora biti potpisana šifrom i poslana kao Word ili PDF dokument (prilog ili attachment) elektronskom poštom s anonimne adrese, na E-mail info@webstilus.net Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spam robota, nije vidljiva ako ste isključili JavaScript
(Za Natječaj za najbolju zbirku kratkih priča). Zbirke koje na bilo koji način otkrivaju ime autora bit će diskvalificirane.
5. Zadnji rok za slanje zbirke na natječaj je 30. listopada 2010. godine
6. Rezultat književnog natječaja (naslov nagrađene zbirke) bit će objavljen na www.Webstilus.net i UniBook portalu 30. studenoga 2010. godine.
7. Nagrađeni autor dužan je u roku od 7 dana od objave rezultata natječaja (do 7. prosinca 2010. god.) dostaviti sljedeće podatke:
- šifru pod kojom je poslao svoju zbirku na natječaj (kao dokaz autorstva)
- puno ime i prezime
- adresu
- kontakt informacije: E-mail, telefon
- dokaz da je punoljetan
- kratku biografiju
8. Ako se nagrađeni autor ne javi u roku od 7 dana, povjerenstvo za dodjelu nagrade proglasit će pobjednikom natječaja sljedećeg autora koji je po bodovima najbliži prvonagrađenom autoru
9. Najboljem autoru bit će tiskana zbirka priča te priređena promocija knjige
10. Nagrađeni autor dobit će 10 besplatnih primjeraka svoje zbirke. Knjiga će biti u prodaji na www.unibook.com portalu te će autor od svakog prodanog primjerka dobivati autorski honorar.

Armagedon - natječaj za Zbornik pripovjedaka

U. G. K. R. „ARMAGEDON” raspisuje natječaj za Zbornik pripovjedaka koji će se dvojezicno (poljskii ex-yu jezici izuzev makedonskog i slovenačkog) u Poljskoj. U obzir dolaze autori koji radove dostave na jednom od navdenih jezika bez obzira na državuiz koje dolaze.
Pripovjetku, biografiju, fotografiju, adresu, mail adresu, web stranicu (ukoliko postoji) i broj telefona možete slati na sljedeće adrese:

Gordana Đurđev
ul. Plac Muzealny 13/5
50-035 Wrocław
mail: gordanad@op.pl
Emir Sokolović
ul. Hamida br. 5
72-000 Zenica
mail: sokolovic@bih.net.ba Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spam robota, nije vidljiva ako ste isključili JavaScript

Agnieszka Żuchowska-Arent
ul. Wężyka 11/46
32-580 Kraków
mail: agnieszka.zuchowska_arent@interia.plOva e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spam robota, nije vidljiva ako ste isključili JavaScript

Za sve informacije možete kontaktirati pomenute putem mail adresa.

Konkurs za sufinansiranje i objavljivanje rukopisa

Udruženje umetnika “Vrelo” iz Sokobanje u saradnji sa Književnim klubom “Branko Miljković” iz Knjaževca raspisuju konkurs za sufinansiranje i objavljivanje rukopisa.

Tokom ove i naredne godine biće selektirano do 30 najboljih rukopisa i autorima istih biće ponuđena novčana pomoć i mogućnost da objave knjigu.
1. Tema, forma, obim rukopisa – bez ograničenja.
2. Rok: tokom 2010/11. godine
3. Rukopise slati mejlom (filip19350@yahoo.com) ili poštom na CD-u (adresa: Filipović Dalibor Filip, pošt. fah 19, 19350 Knjaževac)
4. Pravo učešća: Pisci svih naroda i narodnosti na teritoriji bivše YU bez obzira na maternji jezik

Bliže informacije na telefon:

064/ 22 11 479 (F.D.Filip)

SPLIT :: Za stalno je otvoren konkurs za suradnike u časopisu The Split Mind, iz Hrvatske i iz regije.

The Split Mind je časopis za književnost i kulturu studenata Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu. Izlazi već šest godina.
Časopis je po svojoj definiciji trojezičan, (u njemu se također tiskaju radovi na engleskom i talijanskom jeziku).
Osnovne rubrike su:
1. Poezija
2. Proza
3. Eseji
4. Prijevodi
5. Drama
6. Fotografija
U dosadašnjim brojevima sudjelovali su renomirani autori poput: Predraga Lucića, Ćiće Senjanovića, Nedjeljka Fabria, Borisa Dežulovića, Ante Tomića, Sanje Pilić,Marka Pogačara, Marije Andrijašević, Zvonimira Baloga, Tomice Bajsića, Marka Tomaša, Renata Baretića, Olje Savičević Ivančević, Jurice Pavičića, kao i mnogi drugi neafirmirani mladi autori i studenti.
Radove slati na mail adresu the_split_mind@yahoo.co.uk , uz osnovne podatke i kratku bio(biblijo)grafiju.
(The Split Mind is the literary journal of the students of the Faculty of Philosphy of the University of Split, Croatia. Edited by students, TSM publishes literary and art work. In Croatian, English, Italian and other languages, TSM publishes both emerging and established artists.. Is also focused on translation, and has published numerous English translations of prominent Croatian authors, along with original translations of a variety of works into Croatian.)

Priče iz knjižnice – natječaj

Uredništvo portala www.Knjiznice.info raspisuje natječaj za najbolje tekstove iz života knjižničara i knjižnica.
U obzir dolaze kraće priče, pripovijetke i crtice (do 4 kartice teksta), dakle izmišljeni ili stvarni događaji vezani uz knjižničare i knjižnice.

Najbolje učitane radove objavit ćemo koncem godine u zajedničkoj zbirci tekstova.
Registrirajte se na portal i objavljujte svoje uratke na zadanu temu do 30. studenoga 2010. godine, s punim imenom ili pod pseudonimom.

Konkurs Gradske knjižnice

Evropski centar za kulturu i debatu “GRAD” 26. januara započinje sa književnim programom pod nazivom “Gradska knjižnica” u okviru kog objavljuje konkurs za kratku priču na temu “Gradske priče”, a izbor najboljih priča će krajem godine biti objavljen u zbirci sa istoimenim nazivom. Konkurs je regionalnog karaktera, tako da će se uzimati u obzir priče sa prostora Hrvatske, Crne Gore, Bosne i Srbije.
Stručni žiri će se takođe sastojati od eminentnih pisaca i književnih kritičara iz Srbije i iz regiona, a sam konkurs će trajati do kraja juna 2010. godine.

Priče slati na knjiznica@culturalfront.net

Priča može da sadrži do 15.000 karaktera, ( tj. do sedam strana).

Konkurs časopisa Naš Trag (do 01.01.2011.)

Stalno otvoren konkurs časopisa Naš Trag (do 01.01.2011.)
Javila nam se Tamara, jedan od urednika časopisa za književnost, umetnost i kulturu "Naš Trag" iz Velike Plane, sa obaveštenjem da primaju literarne i strip radove koji bi, ako prođu selekciju, bili objavljeni u časopisu. Možete ih slati na adresu Biblioteka “Radoje Domanović”, 11320 Velika Plana, Kosovska 17 sa naznakom “Za Naš Trag” ili na email: rdbib@verat.net, nastrag@verat.net ili petelin@drenik.net.

Časopis Znak - konkurs za radove

ZNAK, časopis studenata Filološkog fakulteta za književnost i kulturu, poziva mlade autore/ke, starosti do 35 godina, da pošalju svoje radove iz sledećih oblasti:

- poezija, proza, drama
- esej
- književna kritika i drugi tekstovi o kulturi
- prevodi

na adresu casopisznak@hotmail.com

Književni konkurs Fantastika u peru

Internet časopis Helly Cherry raspisuje stalan konkurs za kratku F, NF, H priču (do tri kucane strane), pesmu, aforizam i haiku. Uz radove, koji mogu biti prethodno objavljivani, slati biografiju. Radove slati na adresu: hckonkurs@gmail.com Više o časopisu Helly Cherry pogledajte na www.hellycherry.co.nr

Letnja radionica kreativnog pisanja u Zrenjaninu

Umetnička asocijacija Zrenjanin, Alternativni kulturni centar Klupče i Festival kratke priče Kikinda šort organizuju Letnju radionicu kreativnog pisanja. Tokom rada Bečkerečkog čitališta javila se ideja da se na jednom mestu okupe mladi koji su kreativni i talentovani te da im se pruži podrška. Stoga se pozivaju oni koji pišu i žele da razviju svoj talenat, ostvare kontakte sa književnim časopisima, urednicima i piscima da se jave organizatorima radionice.

Potrebno je dostaviti deset strana svojih radova (poezija, proza, odlomak drame), motivaciono pismo sa razlozima zbog kojih se želi učestvovati na radionici kao i kratku biografiju. Na radionici mogu učestvovati osobe do trideset godina starosti.

Dokumentaciju treba poslati ili doneti lično u AKC Klupče, (Pupinova 25, Zrenjanin) do 05. juna 2010. godine. Polaznici će o učešću na radionici biti obavešteni najkasnije do 10. juna.

Radionica će trajati od 15. juna do 1. avgusta 2010. i održavaće se jedanput nedeljno u prostorijama Klupčeta.

Kotizacija za učešće na radionici staje 1000 dinara.

Organizatori zadržavaju diskreciono pravo da dvoje učesnika oslobode plaćanja kotizacije.

Program vodi Srđan Papić, koordinator festivala kratke priče Kikinda šort.